Monday, September 30, 2019

Safeguarding Legislation

Unit 025: Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People1.1: Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young peopleSafeguarding means taking steps to ensure children and young people feel safe and secure within the home and the setting, protecting them from abuse and neglect, ensuring that they stay safe and continue to positively develop physically, emotionally and mentally into adulthood. The table below is an outline of the main, current legislation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people:Policy Brief description/outcome The Children Act 1989 Moved emphasis on parental role from having rights over children to having a responsibility to their children. Recognises children have rights: To be listened to and discuss their concerns Protected from harm To have their rights explained to them Have their wishes and concerns considered in decision making about them Have these decisions explained to them Refuse a medical examination(UN Convention on Rights of the Child 1989) (Ratified by the UK 1991 but not formally adopted as UK Law. Has 54 articles including: Rights to be heard, safe, protected Rights to have a choice, Parents/guardians have a right to support with their parental responsibilities) Protection of Children Act 1999 (Progress Report 2009) Formalises responsibilities and role of Local Authorities in child protection. This introduced the Criminal Records Bureau and required all childcare organisations not to employ people (either salaried or voluntary) who would come in regular contact with children or young people listed on the DoH and DoEd as unsuitable to work with them. Every Child Matters 2003A Framework recognising bringing together services (Multi-Agency Working) to support children and their families to: (S) Be safe (H) Be healthy (E) Enjoy and achieve (learn while playing) (E) Economic well-being (equal opportunity) (P) Making a positive contributionThe Children Act 2004 Passed to improve child protection and ensure better multi-agency working. Introduced a Children’s Commissioner to promote the well-being and safeguarding of children and young people and placed a duty on local authorities to appoint a Director of Children’s Services to be accountable for multi-agency working and the services provided. Changed legislation on physical punishment making it an offence to hit a child if it causes mental harm or leaves a lasting mark. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006Â  (Updated 2013)Introduced the term Safeguarding and provided statutory guidance on how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people. Introduced the EYFS which became statutory in 2008 (updated 2012) Every Local Authority had the remit to set up Local Safeguarding Boards for children at risk. All settings to have Safeguarding Policies an d Procedures.East Sussex County Council (ESCC) website – Czone portal has all the up-to-date information including the above Policies and Procedures and the Safeguarding Board. Vetting and Barring Scheme Children are protected by ensuring that people who are judged to be at risk of causing harm are not allowed to work with them. CRB became Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Quiz 8

Cognitive dissonance theory is most helpful for understanding the impact of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. frustration on aggression. b. groupthink on social conflict. c. deindividuation on the bystander effect. d. team membership on social loafing. e. role-playing on attitude change. | 2. Bonnie pedals an exercise bike at her health club much faster when other patrons happen to be working out on nearby equipment. This best illustrates: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the bystander effect. b. the mere exposure effect. c. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. d. social facilitation. e. group polarization. 3. Although Natalie receives somewhat greater rewards from her marriage than does her husband, both are satisfied with the relationship because they each benefit in proportion to what they put into it. This best illustrates the significance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. equity. b. deindividuation. c. the bystander effect. d. social facilitation. e. the mere exposure effect. | 4. The hostilities between two racial subgroups of a riverfront community were dramatically reduced when the threat of their river flooding its banks required that they work together to save their town.This best illustrates the impact of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. groupthink. c. superordinate goals. d. deindividuation. e. the bystander effect. | 5. Research participants who worked alongside someone who rubbed his or her face or shook his or her foot were observed to do the same thing themselves. This best illustrated: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. the chameleon effect. c. social loafing. d. deindividuation. e. the bystander effect. | 6. When buying groceries, many shoppers prefer certain products simply because they have a familiar brand name.This preference best illustrates the importance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. social traps. b. the mere exposure effect. c. mirr or-image perceptions. d. the reciprocity norm. e. deindividuation. | 7. Following Germany's defeat in World War I and the economic chaos that followed, many Germans experienced increasing levels of prejudice toward Jews. This surge of hostility can best be explained in terms of the (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. mere exposure effect. b. reciprocity norm. c. just-world phenomenon. d. scapegoat theory. e. bystander effect. | 8.Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite his having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities? (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. cognitive dissonance theory b. social exchange theory c. two-factor theory d. scapegoat theory e. equity theory| 9. Mr. Hughes heard what sounded like cries for help from a swimmer located 30 yards from the ocean shoreline. He continued walking along the beach, however, b ecause he figured that one of the many swimmers in the vicinity would provide help if it was needed.His reaction best illustrates the dynamics involved in: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the fundamental attribution error. b. group polarization. c. the bystander effect. d. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. e. the mere exposure effect. | 10. In a study of social loafing, blindfolded students were asked to pull on a rope as hard as they could. The students tugged hardest when they thought: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. three others were pulling with them. b. three others were pulling against them. c. no others were pulling with them. d. no one was monitoring how hard they pulled. | 11.Bart complied with his friends' request to join them in smashing decorative pumpkins early one Halloween evening. Later that night he was surprised by his own failure to resist their pressures to throw eggs at passing police cars. Bart's experience best illustrates the: (Points : 1)      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. bystander effect. b. foot-in-the-door phenomenon. c. fundamental attribution error. d. frustration-aggression principle. e. just-world phenomenon. | 12. Although Frieda is typically very reserved, as part of a huge rock concert crowd she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a very sexually provocative way.Frieda's unusual behavior is best understood in terms of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the bystander effect. b. social facilitation. c. deindividuation. d. the mere exposure effect. e. the fundamental attribution error. | 13. Marilyn judges her professor's strict class attendance policy to be an indication of his overcontrolling personality rather than a necessity dictated by the limited number of class sessions in a course that meets only once a week. Her judgment best illustrates: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the mere exposure effect. b. group polarization. c. deindividuation. d. he foot-in-the-door phenomenon. e. the fundamental attrib ution error. |14. Compared to their female classmates, college-age men are ________ likely to engage in unsafe sexual practices and ________ likely to die in auto crashes. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. more; more b. more; less c. equally; more d. more; equally e. equally; equally| 15. At a social gathering, Latin Americans may behave in a manner that North Americans consider intrusive and overly expressive. This best illustrates the importance of being sensitive to differing: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. norms. b. gene complexes. c. gender identities. . heritability estimates. | 16. In emphasizing that the behavioral effects of heredity depend on the specific environment in which one is raised, psychologists are highlighting the importance of: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. the double helix. b. gene complexes. c. natural selection. d. nature-nurture interactions. | 17. Compared to women, men are ________ likely to feel comfortable about having casual se x with different partners and ________ likely to feel jealous rage over a mate's having sex with someone else. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. less; more b. more; less c. less; less d. more; more| 18.Concepts of maleness and femaleness that influence our perceptions are called gender: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. types. b. schemas. c. roles. d. complexes. | 19. Identifying some of the specific genes that contribute to alcoholism would be of most direct interest to: (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. evolutionary psychologists. b. molecular geneticists. c. gender schema theorists. d. Freudian psychologists. | 20. Adoptive parents are least likely to influence the ________ of their adopted children. (Points : 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. personality traits b. religious beliefs c. political attitudes d. moral values|

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparative law ii trade and foreign investment in china Essay

Comparative law ii trade and foreign investment in china - Essay Example In DFW needs to transfer new technology to ST, it shall offer technical assistance and key components and parts during the preliminary stage of production. The means of payment for the technical services shall be specified in the technology transfer contract. Eventually, ST shall produce the items purely with domestic components with the upgrading in their skills and increase in domestic supplies. The signed contract will end with the fulfillment of the quality and quantity requirements specified in it. Advantages DFW will improve competitiveness in the SEZ by influencing few features such as competence/skill, capital, exports, infrastructure, and technology. Transfer of technology with synergistic results are dependent on achieving "reasonable compatible" targets between developing countries and foreign companies. A technology transfer will generally profit the SEZ in one of two ways. It will provide to manage research and development to accelerate the creation of new technology. Th e other way a technology transfer can benefit SEZ is when it  can share  its technology with less-developed regions in an endeavor to assist them with essential technologies, such as infrastructure development or food production. Technology transfer will modernize the Shenzhen economy and change the way products are generated, so the region becomes more resourceful and productive within the global market system. Disadvantages Technology transfer involves the movement of material structure, knowledge, skills, organization, values, and capital from the place of production to the receiving site. The unseen features of technology, such as organization, skills, and knowledge might be much more decisive than the physical  element it is for the  effective  transfer of technology. The technology that is transferred must also denotes the transfer of knowledge to the recipients, instead of making them rely on continuous external inputs and help. The new technology must be socially t olerable and beneficial on numerous levels, in addition to the general capability of communities to uphold healthy and sustainable livelihoods. Technological advances tend to raise complexity and uncertainty, making end users dependent on dedicated experts, and construct new knowledge obstacles for probable investors. In cases of the transfer of multifaceted production technologies, knowledge and technical proficiency become important hurdles to the transfer. b) Turnkey contract DFW can enter into a turnkey contract with SZ for the construction of a computer manufacturing plant and semiconductor manufacturing plant in the SEZ region. In this case, DFW will be entirely be responsible for the costs of designing and building the plant including its start-up and its capacity to produce computers and semiconductor chips as specified in the contract. ST shall provide a construction site for the computer manufacturing plant and semiconductor manufacturing plant, the required approvals from the Shenzhen government, the maintenance, and operational staff. On the other hand, DFW shall provide all the technology, design, and engineering services for procurement, supply, installation of all equipment, staff training, start-up of the plant, and guarantee that ST can use the plant to produce

Friday, September 27, 2019

Compare and contrast aspects of Arab identity as manifested in Essay

Compare and contrast aspects of Arab identity as manifested in Palestinian and Druze communities - Essay Example do not have their own country, similar to the Kurdish people of Turkey today who are fighting for their own homeland through an armed secessionist movement in northern Turkey. The Druze never had a single country to call as their own due to being scattered in many places a long time ago and did not seek any piece of land they can call as their own homeland. This makes the Druze unique in history. They were left out when the British partitioned and left Palestine but had steadfastly retained their identity. Palestinians live within the original geographic borders of Palestine situated in the regions encompassing Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. Except for those who took up Israeli or Jordanian citizenship or of some other country, Palestinians are stateless because they have no officially-recognized country. Palestinians and Druze think of themselves as Arabs but with sub-identities such as an Arab (national), civic (Israeli or Syrian), and religious as Druze, Christian or Muslim (Hofman & Rouhana 76). This paper discusses two films that portray how these Arab identities are expressed in art such as films which mirror a collective consciousness that is manifested by people who are trying to define themselves. The Druze community is very small when considered as an ethnic group and this very smallness makes the Druze persevere in their customs and practices. They are very decided to remain identified as a Druze although in some quarters, the word Druze is often derogatory. In their communities, the person considers himself or herself as Druze first and second as Syrian. Druze people in the Golan Heights consider themselves as Syrian citizens. The Druze already have a well-defined or clear social identity unlike the Palestinians who are still struggling to establish an identity. This difference is well contrasted in the two films being discussed. In the film â€Å"The Syrian Bride† it was shown how ephemeral this idea of citizenship is because the bride

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cost Accounting and Management Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cost Accounting and Management Decisions - Essay Example Company Description Alcoa is an American manufacturing organisation which deals in producing primary aluminium and fabricated aluminium. Furthermore, the organisation is also known as one of the biggest drillers of bauxite and refiner of alumina in an international context. The primary products of Alcoa are divided into two major categories which are aluminium products and non-aluminium products. Aluminium products of Alcoa comprise alumina, primary metals, flat-rolled products and engineered products and solutions. On the other hand, non-aluminium products of Alcoa include industrial fastenings, precision casting and aerospace products (Alcoa Inc, 2013). Impact of Changes in the Variable Cost / Fixed Cost Structure of Alcoa on Cost- Volume Profit Analysis Decisions by Managers Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is often argued to assist in taking decisions about business operations for any manufacturing organisation. It is applied as a method of inspecting the link between fixed and variable expenses with respect to number of manufacturing units and related profits. In order to use the CVP analysis, there is need for analysing the business operations obtaining an unambiguous understanding of fixed expenses incurred by the business in comparison to variable expenses. Therefore, any kind of changes in the fixed expense and variable expenses can impact on CVP analysis and product manufacturing decisions of a particular business like Alcoa. For instance, through CVP analysis, Alcoa can determine the cost of its products more accurately than the traditional method. As a CVP analysis develops a clear understanding of the fixed and variable costs incurred by a manufacturing firm, accountants and managers are likely to gain better control on the total costs of any product comprising certain fixed and variable components. With a better control on the total cost, these components can be used in order to clarify variations in product price as well as variations in expense s. As the number of quantity produced increases, per unit variable and fixed expenses are quite likely to decrease to a certain extent. Hence, per unit expenses will also reduce with respect to a decline in fixed and variable expenses rewarding the company with greater opportunity to serve its customers either with increased supply quantity or at a competitive price maintaining its profitability. Stating precisely, by understanding the fixed and variable expenses structure of Alcoa, the managers of the organisation can determine the level to which minimisation of prices of products would not compromise the profit gain per unit (Wiley, 2004). Analysis of the Current Cost System of Alcoa There are two major types of costing system which can be used by an organisation namely traditional costing system and Activity Based Costing (ABC) system. In this context, it has been observed that Alcoa uses the ABC costing system in its business operations for determining the cost of products as we ll as for framing its budgeting strategies (Krishnan, 2006). ABC system divides every manufacturing activity explicitly and determines the portion of overhead expenses which are used for manufacturing one unit of a product. Contextually, the ABC system makes possible for Alcoa to establish more comprehensive factory management structures. With an apparent view of cost of products grounded on ABC system, the managers of Alcoa are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Death penalty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Death penalty - Term Paper Example Following an unsuccessful attempt by a foreign passenger to set off explosives on an airplane in the U.S., public outrage led to pressure to extend the federal death penalty to such crimes. The President has asked for an opinion regarding the constitutionality and the appropriateness of the death penalty for crimes that do not involve actual killing. I am working as one of the staff of the Attorney General of the United States. The Attorney General has asked me to draft a memo that spells out the policy arguments on both sides of the issue and then make a recommendation. This memo is prepared to submit to the president of United States which analyses both the sides of death penalty issue and argues against death penalty. Moreover, this memo provides recommendations to the President about the alterative options to death penalty. â€Å"The death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights† (Death Penalty, 2009). Unlike many other modes of punishment, death penal ty cannot be reversed once it is executed. The core philosophy of American criminal justice system is that not even a single criminal should be punished even if thousands of criminals escaped. Under such circumstances, it is quite possible that an innocent person could be given death penalty based on circumstantial evidences. It is possible for smart criminals to fabricate evidences which are pointing towards innocent people at the crime spots. Thus, instead of original culprit an innocent person may face death penalty. Life is the most important thing in this world and so science or technology succeeded in creating an artificial life form in a laboratory set up. In other words, the secrets behind life are still unknown to us. Only the creator has the moral authority to make changes in his creations. Capital punishment is the most an expensive way of punishing a criminal; so it should be prohibited. It is estimated that the cost needed for executing a death penalty is around 70% mor e than other punishments because of the necessities of the services of expert advocates, forensic testing, witnesses, investigating officers etc. In 1989, the state of Florida executed 42-year-old Ted Bundy. Bundy confessed to 28 murders in four states. During his nine years on death row, he received three stays of execution. Before he was put to death in the electric chair, Bundy cost taxpayers more than $5 million (Capital Punishment - The Costs Of Capital Punishment, 2011) The purpose of death penalty is to avoid threats from hard core criminals to innocent people in future. The innocent people or the tax payers forced to spend millions of dollars for punishing a criminal which is illogical especially when we consider that the objectives of death penalty can be obtained through cheaper options like life sentencing. Death penalty is not suitable for a civilized society like ours since it reduces the gap between the criminal and criminal justice system. A criminal who kills a perso n and the criminal justice system which execute a criminal are doing the same activity of taking the life. Even though the circumstances are different, the outcomes are the same. Delfino & Day (2008) have pointed out that â€Å"In the United States, death penalty is said to serve two principal social purposes: retribution and deterrence of capital crimes by prospective offenders† (Delfino & Day, 2008, p.1). Taking revenge for a crime is not a good philosophy to current generation. America is a Christian

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Consturction Law (Report) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consturction Law (Report) - Essay Example 1.3 This law stands out from the other laws because it is sensitive. In construction and contract laws, claims and counter claims are the way that the employer and the contractor understand one another. Claim that is assertion for more funds towards a project, due to extension time for completion is under application by contractual arbitrators in engineering and construction law. This is a sensitive law because it has unforeseen shortcomings which have to be prepared for in advance. In order to understand the importance of this law one has to understand the principles involved in contract and construction law. 1.4 This law causes conflicts, however, the construction industry believes in solving disputes in a medical approach. This approach involves identifying the problem in the first place, then dealing with the problem. Every construction worker knows it is their personal obligation to keep everyone happy by opening up about any conflicts. 2.1This report is necessary to help the sub-contractors to Mekeng Company avert any further accidents that could lead to loss of human life. Interrelation between the contractors, sub-contractors and the employer is important in creating a good working environment. After the investigation into the scaffolding accident, the findings prove that more employees are less equipped to deal with heights and there is danger of another accident happening unless something is under change. 2.2 Although the employer is at fault, the ignorance of the employee is also to blame in trying to deal with an area n he was not an expert. The center for occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) requires that before the employer sends the employee off to work, they have adequate training to deal with the hazards in their line of duty. It is also OSHA’s principle that certain risky jobs are for those certified and specially qualified

Monday, September 23, 2019

Party discipline and Canadian Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Party discipline and Canadian Democracy - Essay Example The Canadian government has a bicameral legislature form. The parliament is composed of The Senate (the Upper House) and The House of Commons or (the Lower House). The Senate represents the different regions, territories and provinces of Canada. The Upper House consists of 105 members also known as Senators. The House of Commons is composed of the representatives elected by the population. The House of Commons consists of 308 members. For formation of any law the bill need to be passed by the two legislative chambers.  Ã‚  Party DisciplineThe party discipline in Canada is the influencing ability of the parliament group to gets its political party members to support the policies and philosophy of their party leadership. It is the controlling power that the party leader has over the legislature. Party discipline is vital for the overall working of the system of the government that permits holding of political power by the parties. It has the ability to establish government infrastruc ture that is affected by lawful political process (Kilgour, â€Å"Discipline versus Democracy: Party Discipline in Canadian Politics†).Few of the major current political parties present in the House of Commons are Conservative Party of Canada (founded in 2003), Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party and Bloc Quebecois. Strong party discipline is present in certain countries like UK, Canada, New Zealand, and many more. The legislature power is more in such countries which can even collapse the government by voting against the government.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Planning for the Future Essay Example for Free

Planning for the Future Essay Hopes and Dreams A. Even if you have not done much research on the topic what are your hopes and dreams for your employment future? â€Å"What do you want to be when you grow up? † -When I grow up I want to be an ultrasound technician. I’m very interested in the female body and reproductive system. I also love babies so it was keep me interested in my studies. I want to be able to help women out with the beautiful experience of birth and child development. B. What do you want your life to look like in 10 years? In 10 years I want to be a successful ultrasound technician. I will also make my own schedule so I can spend time with my amazing future family. I want to be living by the beach with my husband, Jason Zeigler, and my two children, Carson and Brayden. I will be in the upper-class and have a river house. We will have two dogs, Jackson and Parker. C. What do you want your life look like in 5 years? -In 5 years I will be in college. Hopefully University of Riverside after I get my general education done at Chaffey. I will also be moved in and engaged to Jason Zeigler. That will be the biggest turning point of my life in my own personal opinion mainly because I will be focusing on my major and my career, which will in turn determine the rest of my life. Either successful or a failure. D. What are you doing now that will affect the rest of your life? -Things that I am doing now that will affect the rest of my life is graduating high school, going to college, and working and becoming independent. Graduating is a huge step in life. It’s the start of the rest of our lives. There’s no more messing around anymore. We are growing up and now we must be independent and do things on our own. Going to college is another big step in what is going to affect the rest of my life. There is no more free education. Especially when your parents are making you pay for it by yourself like I am. At least I have a very good, well-paying job, In N Out. In N Out has really taught me how to be responsible with my money. It has made me realize how fast your money can disappear. It has also broken me out of my shell. In N Out has taught me how to deal with angry customers and how to talk to anyone. These are some very important traits I feel that I will need for the rest of my life. Step 2: Evaluate your Current Job A. What are the tasks that you are performing in your current job that will transfer to future jobs and your career? * The tasks that I am performing in my current job that will help me transfer to future jobs and my career is dealing with agitated people, working at a fast pace, being able to talk to anyone, and being able to do what people tell me quickly and efficiently. Dealing with angry and/or agitated customers is probably the hardest part of the job. Not only is it awkward, but it is also very agitating for you. I normally want to just scream in their face that it’s not my fault but I always keep my cool. Working at a fast pace without stressing is also a very good skill to have. You have to be able to work very fast at In N Out. We are constantly busy and having to please hundreds of customers a day. B. What are the possibilities for advancement at this current job, and what are the skills you could still learn at this job? * In N Out runs off of a level system. A level 1 cleans the dining room. A level 2 takes orders and can work the back pay window. A level 3 can take orders outside with something we call a hand held, and can also hand out food for the drive through. A level 4 works fries. A level 5 dresses, puts the condiments, on the burger. A level 6 actually cooks the burgers. Lastly, a level 7 is a manager’s assistant. They help run the shift when the manager isn’t around. Then after all those are the managers. Each separate store has 4 different mangers. They move up as well. They all start out as 4th managers and then move up to a 1st manager, which is a â€Å"store manager†. After that they can move up to district managers and then a regional manager. I am currently a level 3 but I am hopefully getting my level 4 soon. I’ve been working and learning fries. In N Out is definitely my fall back if the ultrasound technician fails. Step 3: Interests A. What do you like to do? * I love to hang out with friends, my boyfriend, go out to eat, and sleep. I can hang out with my friend and Jason for days. Probably like every other teenager but that’s when I have the most fun. Going out to eat is my favorite thing to do. I don’t really care if it’s bad for you. I love food. Sleeping is what I do in my free time. I am constantly tired so I love sleep when I actually have the time to do so. B. What is the best experience you have ever had? The best experience I’ve ever had was probably my senior prom. Basically it was the best night of my life. It was amazing. From getting ready, to pictures, to dinner, to the bus, to the dance, to the bus again, and then Kyle Wades spa. I got to get ready with my best friends and my boyfriend’s mom paid for me to get my makeup done. I love that woman. The pictures were great with m y boyfriend and best friends. We got some really cute ones. Dinner was delicious at chilis. The bus was the best part in addition to the actual dance. We had a stripper pole and all the guys got on it. This is the irst dance I’ve been to that the teachers didn’t care how we danced. By the time we got off the dance floor everyone was dripping sweat. My legs were sore for 3 days after. After that we hopped back on the bus, made a quick stop to In N Out and then chilled in Kyle’s spa. Jason and I had to sleep in my truck that night but we woke up early and went to Denny’s for breakfast. C. What makes you the happiest? * My boyfriend and friends are definitely my top priority at this point. They have made me who I am today. D. What makes you feel most satisfied? * Making everyone around me happy and accomplishing a new goal. E. When have you felt the most rewarded? * When I reached my level 3 and got my raise because I earned it all on my own with no one else’s help. Step 4: Aptitudes A. What are you good at? * I am very good at following orders. When someone tells me to do something I will get it done right away and get it done very well. B. 1. After the first set of questions, what are the top 10 careers that come up? * 1. Choreographer / Dance Instructor * 2. Correctional Officer * 3. Director of Photography * 4. Director * 5. Athletic Trainer * 6. Security Guard * 7. Vending Machine Servicer * 8. Kinesiologist * 9. Auto Detailer 10. Stock Clerk 2. How do you feel about these careers? I don’t this a lot of these careers suit me at all. 3. What are the results now, how did they change? 1. Bailiff 2. Artist 3. Special Effects Technician 4. Computer Network Specialist 5. Stuntperson 6. Director of Photography 7. Cardiologist 8. Doctor 9. Anesthesiologist 10. Nurse Practitioner 4. Did your t op 3 interests appear? What are they and why do they interest you? My top 3 interest groups did not appear at all. Ultrasound technician, Crime Scene investigator, or working in advertisement. They all seem like jobs you can’t get bored of.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human Resource Management in the Public Office Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Management in the Public Office Essay Is money the most important incentive tool in the public sector? Is performance-based pay an effective way to motivate employees to be more productive? Discuss the positive and negative benefits associated with broadbanded pay systems. The public sector mainly deals with the economic and administrative delivery of goods and services from the government to the nation’s people. Such a role requires true commitment to service and to the objective of improving the general welfare of individuals. Moreover, public servants uphold such commitments with a unique set of priorities that are not centered on material and financial gains but rather on what their capabilities and achievements could contribute to others’ betterment. This ideal may just as easily set public servants apart from members of the labor force that render their services for profit. This in consideration, financial rewards may not be the top priority of public servants but it is definitely an effective incentive tool across sectors from private to public. A way of granting incentive to employees is thru performance-based pay. This compensation scheme entails salary increases and rewarding of bonuses to employees that were able to achieve or surpass the goals related to their scope of work. Under such a scheme, employees become more motivated to produce high quality service with the end goal of producing evidently positive results. At the same time, since such a scheme requires that the salary increase be justified by the exemplary performance of the employee, there would be less incidences of increases and promotions made on the mere basis of office politics. Once it becomes evident to employees that they now have an equal playing field, this would additionally motivate them to prove themselves worthy of recognition and incentives. In line with effective human resource management, public sectors are developing broadband pay systems, which essentially implement broad pay ranges to groupings formed on the basis of like duties while maintaining high flexibility in order to cater to the needs and demands of a diverse workforce. Such pay systems may pose both advantages and disadvantages to the employees and agencies. An example of advantages to the employees is that the method of grouping may provide an opportunity for their positions to be reclassified to a higher grade as indicated by the complexity and breadth of their responsibilities. This would probably work in the favor of an employee who handles several tasks that are usually performed by more than one person in some offices. Another advantage is for the part of government offices because by utilizing high technology and efficient information systems to implement the broadband pay mechanisms, an optimized data gathering method shall be in place and process will be systematized. This would ultimately lead to more practical and efficient use of available human and financial resources, and big cumulative savings for the government. On the other hand, a disadvantage for the agencies could be that negotiations on job classifications or groupings might require them to disclose to labor unions sensitive information that might result to operational security concerns. How can an organization utilize employee benefits as part of its recruitment and retention efforts? How can an organization’s commitment to learning result in lower worker turnover? How do issues related to employee benefits and learning affect worker performance? Human resource is the best asset that any establishment could possibly have. Every day, a great number of organizations and establishments rise up or crumble by the excellence or mediocrity of their employees. In fact, any institution may employ the best possible technologies and may even be in the most dynamic and progressive industry but all these would not make the business a success if without talented and skillful employees. Thus to ensure the best possible recruits and the capacity to retain the most seasoned and esteemed talents, organizations build attractive compensation packages and employee development programs. By nurturing employees under these development programs and with attractive rewards, organizations hope to keep the loyalty of their talent pool and add new recruits that possess the same aptitude and skills. All these steps are taken by organizations under the knowledge that all employees would base their employer preferences that cater to their needs and growth t he most. Furthermore, these needs and growth expectations must be taken to mean not just financial benefits but more importantly how the organization could enrich one’s talents and allow him or her to maximize potentials. In order to nurture its talent pool, organizations may enroll their employees to various classes that teach or further establish the knowledge that they have related to the tasks that they perform in the office. Through these classes, employees develop a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction because they find that they are able to tap in to more of their potentials. Thus, with the knowledge that there are more things that they could learn and do, they find that they also have more to offer the organization that they are part of. By allowing their employees to grow into high potential individuals, organizations not only keep their employees loyal and their turnover rates low, they also gain from the enriched talents and skills that their human resources apply in their day to day work. An organization’s spending on training and development programs for its employees is part of its human resource investment. As with products sold in banks or stock market, or purchases of equipments by production companies, expenses incurred by organizations related to employee training are acknowledged with the expectation that they will bring forth returns to the organization by way of improved employee performances that lead to better working processes and achievement of the organization’s vision and mission. Pershing, Stolovitch, and Keeps (2006) further support the relationship between employee performance and learning by stating that the latter allows the workforce to become more connected to the organization through an increased knowledge of how better he could be of service, and that the nurturing process offered to these employees allow them to be better prepared for changes and more open to process improvements. In essence, all employees are practical individuals in that they stay in the organization that appreciate them the most and reward them sufficiently for the quality of work that they render. It is with this knowledge that organizations build progressive employee benefit and retention programs. These organizations know all too well that employees perform best under development and reward programs that offer holistic growth. Such growth pertains to several factors in the lives of an individual. Compare and contrast the difference in terminating workers in public organizations versus private companies? What at the implications of at-will employment for public sector workers? One of the major differences between public organizations and private companies is the objective or mission with which their workforce operates. As established earlier, public sector workers can be largely considered as volunteers for social, economic, and even political causes whereas the workforce of private companies are mostly there for profitable gains. This in mind, the mere concept of a decrease in the workforce in the public sector poses several challenges because it may not be easy for the organization to come by public servants who are willing to work for the same cause. One way in which the workforce of any institution is reduced is thru employee termination. Termination is the process by which the organization puts a stop to an individual’s membership or service to the organization against his or her will. There are various reasons why termination is imposed on an individual. It may be that the employee has violated certain organizational policies or ethical standards, or rendered unsatisfactory job performance, or may even have been because he or she had a conflict with his or her supervisor. On the other hand, the employee may also be subject to termination when the company undergoes a restructuring phase that necessitated downsizing in its workforce, or if the employee’s responsibilities have been found to be redundant. Employee termination occurs in both public and private offices but there are some notable differences. One such difference is that employees of private companies are often hired under contract whereas those working in public offices are often employed at-will, meaning that they do not have a formal employment contract binding him or her and the employer. Although all employees are protected by labor laws, employees in the public sector are more vulnerable to termination because of the at-will nature of their employment.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay

A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay The response of the church to the issue of homosexuality is problematic; it is so because homosexuality now has become so evident and conspicuous. It is shocking how people are coming out in the open as being homosexual and how it is being discussed openly and even receives sympathy from some quarters in the church. The obvious fact is that it can no longer be ignored. In this paper I will discuss how the church in Africa should respond to this problem. ANALYSIS OF CONTROVERSY Homosexuality is a legal offence in most African countries, although in recent years there are attempts to legalize it in some countries, but it is legal in most American states. This is why it is a controversy to the Anglican Communion which is world wide. The definition of homosexuality according to Woods Jr (1968, p.135) the word homosexual can be used to refer to various subtle gradations of erotic attraction or involvement between members of the same sex. The moralist would dismiss moral objections on homosexuality basing on natural law, which they say natural law assumes that the structure of male and female genitals determine their function sexually. The early church also criticized same sex practices, for example Gagnon (2001,p.163) puts it very well that Jews, like Greek and Roman critics of Homosexuality, rejected it on the ground that it was against nature, that is apart from the fact that the law forbade same-sex intercourse. He says there are four reasons why only intercourse between male and female was considered to be in accordance with nature. The first he says is that there is no procreation in Homosexual intercourse and the second reason is that it is an affront to how God designed the male and female organs. The third reason is that there is no natural erotic passion in Homosexual sex says Gagnon and the last he says is that not even animals practice Homosexual intercourse. But some scholars would argue that apart from reproduction purposes, sex serves a number of functions. According to Woods Jr. (1968) the judgment that sex is only for reproduction is as limited to an agrarian, low-population economy as the judgment that pearl are valuable is to a consumer economy. The Lambeth conference resolution number 1.10 of 1998 states that in view of the teaching of scripture, that marriage should be between a man and a woman in a life long union, it recognized that there were persons who experienced themselves as having a homosexual orientation. Some of these people are church members and therefore need pastoral care, moral direction and Gods transforming power. The resolution was to listen to the experience of the homosexual persons and ensure them that God loves them. Although they called for the ministry of the pastoral care to all irrespective of sexual orientation, the resolution did not advise the legitimizing or blessing of the same sex union nor ordaining those in same gender union. Some would argue that in the Bible it is not clear what they meant by homosexuality. For example Bishop David Russell in his leaf let (page 3) wrote that the Biblical writers never ever contemplated the kind of homosexual that we are contemplating today, the Partnerships we are seeking to have affirmed in our time. I do not agree with him and others who think in these lines because the Bible is very clear on homosexuality. In Leviticus 20 :13, it is very clear that a man who has sexual relations with another man, both should be put to death because they have done repulsive thing. The other text, which condemns homosexuality in the New Testament, is Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. it is therefore very clear that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible. If the homosexual of the Bible (Leviticus 20:13) is same as the homosexual of today, then homosexuality is an ancient form of sexual perversion. Those who seem to support homosexual argue that we are all sinful, and we have God who is love, who loves infinitely. They even give the example of the woman caught in adultery (John 8) Jesus heals are and blessed her. They say this should be our approach to the whole problem in African communion. The latest response concerning homosexuality was in the article, which appeared in the Post Newspaper of July 12, 2010, where the Church of England blocked the appointment of a gay clergyman (Jeffrey John) to the post of Bishop. This issue brought the liberals and conservatives at loggerheads, and could have possibly affect Arch Bishop Rowan William stand. It is the second time John is being rejected to be consecrated Bishop, on the ground of being gay. Williams said he was not going to allow himself to be pressured into supporting anyone. According to Reuter as quoted in the post (ibid) Williams has always attempted to put a stop to the infighting over the issue of homosexuality in the Anglican Communion and last month he warned those member churches, which approves them or actively oppose them that they will be sidelined from official doctrinal committees. RESPONSE OF CHURCH IN AFRICA The church in Africa does not have one voice on homosexuality. It is divided into three camps. There are those who support homosexuality, for example South Africa. There are those who are neutral, they neither support or condemn for example Zambia, Zimbabwe, and others are those who condemn for example Nigeria and Kenya The province of the church of Central Africa that is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi stand is that those persons who practice homosexuality are not setting a good example of what scripture teach and those bishops who knowingly ordain them act contrary to the scriptures and teaching of the church. They say it is the responsibility of the church to lead those who deviate from the right teaching of scripture to repentance, and to assure them of Gods forgiveness, hope and dignity. I agree with this statement because it is not all who are in homosexual practices, who are doing because they want to, but some claim to be born homosexuals and they need to be helped. This people have to be brought out and helped, according to Jacques (1976, p.114) the danger of repression is not that it stops people practicing their secret lusts and perversions but that it prevents them from acknowledging them. So the best way for the church to deal with homosexuality is to recognize that homosexuals are there and they need to be helped. As for our country Zambia the problem is not a local one but a communion one. What I mean is that we do not have a homosexual problem as the Anglican Church in Zambia at the moment; we are involved because our church is a worldwide church and what ever affects doctrine in one area affects all. Nevertheless people in Zambia have commented on this issue, for example when Robbinson was consecrated Bishop, the Bishop of Central Diocese Bishop Kamukwamba commented on 12th December,2003 in an interview in Lusaka, the article that appeared on the website Anglican Evangelical Ministries, that the Bishops in Zambia were against the act because it is not biblical and was unchristian. He said the Anglican Church will not associate itself or support gays. He said, however ties with Anglican churches that tried to resist the ordination will be maintained. He said we should support and pray for others to resist further temptations. Another comment came from Bishop Mumbi of Luapula Diocese, just re cently, in his capacity as Zambia Anglican Council Chairman stated as quoted in The Church of England Newspaper (2010) that although the West is promoting homosexual lifestyle it is against Christian belief and African values. He says our traditional morality as Zambians have received double assault from pressure of the west and from rapid breakdown of society due to urbanization. From the above comments from the two bishops we can see that the church in Zambia does not support homosexuality, but at the same time wants to remain in communion with those who practice and support homosexuality. What they believe in is what the bible or scripture teach on marriage, for example, (Genesis 12) which states that God intended Man to be married to a Woman. So following the Genesis arrangement, those who marry from same sex are obviously sinning. Christianity also teaches us not to look down or discriminate sinners, this is shown by Jesuss example with the woman caught in adultery (John 8) he did not condemn or discriminate her and Jesus went to eat with the tax collector and sinners ( Matthew 9:9f). People should not be left in their acts of wrongdoing; they should be helped because people who live in sin will be punished. The example is (Genesis 18:20) God punished the city of Gomorrah and Sodom for the same practices like homosexuality, so people should be helped to refrain from such practices and prayed for as bishop Kamukwamba above suggested. Christianity should be a religion which should show an example of good morals, at the same time love and peace should be proclaimed to every person regardless of their sexuality. The church is the school for sinners and no one should be discriminated. CONCLUSION The issue of homosexuality has been with us for time immemorial, and it will remain with us as long as people continue to exist. But as the church we should approach it with caution, with understanding and consultation so that we may achieve our goal as people who are geared to bring about the kingdom of God. God accepts each one of us as we are, so we should accept each other as we are. So as the Anglican Church and the Arch bishop Williams are looking for the way out of this issue, which is threatening to divide the church, they should embrace and co-exist with the people with homosexual problem in order to help them.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Nature of Humanity in the Work of Sherwood Anderson Essay -- Human

The Nature of Humanity in the Work of Sherwood Anderson A common staple of horror stories—in film and on the page—is the scene of the frightened and indignant villagers chasing the monster who has been terrorizing the townsfolk. In Sherwood Anderson’s â€Å"Hands,† the protagonist, Adolph Myers (Wing Biddlebaum) is a well-intentioned individual whose actions the people around him contort so that he becomes more fiend than friend. In Wing Biddlebaum, the very aspects of his character that make him human are those that society distorts to make him into a maladapted monster: first, the mystery that surrounds him causes the townspeople to misunderstand him; second, because of the accusations of his pedophilic homosexuality stemming from this misunderstanding, they demonized him into a pariah; and, third, the guilt that the â€Å"mob† forces him to feel ultimately confines him to his own prison of anguish. Approaching the story from this perspective demonstrates that Wing’s destiny is almost beyond his control, a destiny significantly manufactured by his society’s judgments. Wing is an extremely intricate person; however, most of the people among whom he lived in Pennsylvania before his current residence in Ohio failed to recognize this, as do his fellow citizens in the town of Winesburg. Anderson describes him as â€Å"one of those rare, little-understood men who rule by a power so gentle that it passes as a lovable weakness† (13). Just as his previous neighbors were unable to understand Wing fully, so are those among whom he currently lives: â€Å"the depth and complexity of [his] suffering† baffles them (Elledge 11). The very profundity of Wing’s situation explains why he â€Å"for twenty years had been the town mystery,† although osten... ...While he is obviously no monster, ironically, his weakness and frailty as a limited mortal prolong his fall from grace, making a rise from such a fall seem insurmountable, tragically preserving the inaccurate image of his soul as that of a mere depraved, malevolent, and corrupting offense to human decency. Works Cited Anderson, Sherwood. â€Å"Hands.† Winesburg, Ohio. New York: Bantam, 1995. 8-15. Brown, Lynda. â€Å"Anderson’s Wing Biddlebaum and Freeman’s Louisa Ellis.† Studies in Short Fiction 27.3 (1990): 413-414. Elledge, Jim. â€Å"Dante’s Lovers in Sherwood Anderson’s ‘Hands.’† Studies in Short Fiction 21.1 (1984): 11-15. Morgan, Gwendolyn. â€Å"Anderson’s ‘Hands.’† The Explicator 48.1 (1989): 46-47. Updike, John. â€Å"Twisted Apples: On Winesburg, Ohio.† The American Short Story and Its Writer. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 1464-1468.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Analysis of McDonalds Essay -- essays research papers

The number one fast-food chain McDonald's is the world’s leading food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants in 121 countries serving 45 million customers each day. The McDonald's History Raymond Albert Kroc 1902-1984, A Salesman Ray Kroc mortgaged his home and invested his entire life savings to become the exclusive distributor of a five-spindled milk shake maker called the Multimixer. Hearing about the McDonald's hamburger stand in California running eight Multimixers at a time, he packed up his car and headed West. It was 1954. He was 52 years old. Where it all began, Des Plaines, Illinois Ray Kroc opened the Des Plaines restaurant in 1955. First day's revenues-$366.12! It’s no longer a functioning restaurant, the Des Plaines building is now a museum containing McDonald's memorabilia and artifacts, including the Multimixer! Ronald McDonald, In Any Language He Means "Fun!" "The smile known around the world," Ronald McDonald is second only to Santa Claus in terms of recognition. In his first TV appearance in 1963, the happy clown was portrayed by none other than Willard Scott. Fred Turner And Ray Kroc, Architects Of A Dream Ray Kroc and Fred Turner study the design which would replace the red and white tile buildings that had become landmarks throughout the United States. Called Kroc's first "grill man extraordinaire," Turner is today Senior Chairman of the Board. McDonald's Comes To Wall Street In 1965 McDonald's went public with the company's first offering on the stock exchange. A hundred shares of stock costing $2,250 dollars that day would have multiplied into 74,360 shares today, worth over $2.8 million on December 31, 1998. In 1985, McDonald's was added to the 30-company Dow Jones Industrial Average. A Big Idea Called "Big Mac" Introduced system wide in 1968, the Big Mac was the brainchild of Jim Delligatti, one of Ray Kroc's earliest franchisees, who by the late 1960s operated a dozen stores in Pittsburgh. The Egg McMuffin Introduced in 1973, the Egg McMuffin was developed by owner operator Herb Peterson. The First Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia, PA In 1974, Fred Hill of the Philadelphia Eagles teamed up with McDonald's to create Ronald McDonald House. The families of critically ill children have a place to call home while they're away from home as the young patients und... ...season. Video/DVD/Music The McKids entertainment series provides an energetic, engaging and fun experience for children. Unlike typical videos for children that are more passive, the McKids Video series will get kids on their feet to join in the action. Fueled with contemporary, hip music and hosted by Ronald McDonaldâ„ ¢, each 30 minute live action show will take kids on interactive adventures, interspersed with energetic music videos. Kids may learn about teamwork in a participatory soccer segment, or experience the galaxy as they magically zoom through space. They will also learn about children who live in different parts of the world. Books The McKids Books Series introduces a new line of interactive books to engage, entertain, educate and enlighten kids. The books teach and encourage kids to be creative, and make reading and learning fun. References: Sociology, A Global Perspective, Fifth Edition, Joan Ferrante, Northern Kentucky University, Copyright 2003 Wadsworth Fortune 2001; Foreign Policy 2001; McDonald’s Corporation 2001

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


A crowd stood and watched, waiting to see what the police would do. â€Å"l am trying to allow homeless people to have the same rights as everyone else,† said Mr.. Abbott, who has ignited a skirmish with the city over new restrictions on feeding the homeless in public places. â€Å"There is no rug big enough to sweep them under. † Once again the police issued him a notice to appear in court for the criminal violation of an ordinance -? the third one in nearly two weeks -? and then allowed Mr.. Abbott, who has worked to help the homeless for decades, to resume serving food to those waiting in line. And once again Mr..Abbott, who has become a cause cl;bare, vowed to continue to feed the homeless â€Å"as long as there is breath in my body† -? be it at the beach or in a park. To press his case, Mr.. Abbott also said he took the city to court on Wednesday, a tactic he used successfully nearly 15 years ago to beat back a similar local ordinance. Mr.. Abbot's stance ag ainst the city newest restriction on the homeless has put him at the center of an escalating debate in cities across Florida: How to feed, elf and handle the ever-present homeless population in a state that, with its balmy winter climate, draws an outsize share of the dispossessed.In 201 2, the state had nearly 55,000 homeless people, ranking third behind California and New York. â€Å"We have no desire to fight with Mr.. Abbott,† said Jack Seller, Fort Lauderdale mayor, who has spent days tying to counter reports that Mr.. Arnold had been arrested (he was not) and that his city is harsh on homeless people. On one side of the debate are local businesses and the chambers of commerce, which would like the homeless population to be less visible. On the other side are increasingly vocal homeless activists who want to ensure that homeless people are dealt with humanely.The balancing act is particularly tricky in Florida, where tourists blanket the state and tourism officials cring e at the thought of scared tourists. â€Å"Florida has had a sorry history of criminality the homeless,† said Michael Stoops, director of community organizing for the National Coalition for the Homeless. ‘That war is being played out all around the country. Florida leads the pack. † This year, Fort Lauderdale, despite a reputation for being more progressive than most Florida cities on homelessness, passed a series of measures that surprised and drew the ire of homeless activists.The latest one, passed last month, made food distribution in public places difficult by requiring toilets, written consent from property owners and feeding sites located 500 feet away from each other. But the law also relaxed the rules on feeding the homeless in houses of worship and on private property, an attempt to steer food distribution away from parks. On Wednesday, a police officer recommended two nearby sites to Mr.. Abbott, an offer the mayor said Mr.. Abbott had refused earlier i n the day.The new ordinance stemmed from long-running complaints about crowds of homeless people who congregated daily to wait for food at Astrakhan Park, a small park in front of a library and the Fort durable Woman's Club. ‘The Woman's Club said it couldn't hold any more weddings, events with children, yoga classes,† said Mr.. Seller, who underscored that most experts agree that handing out food in public spaces is a bad idea ‘They said: ‘Mayor, we have people urinating all over our property and porch, defecating on our property and our porch. There is garbage and litter.There is no respect for Our property. ‘ † Ronald L Book, chairman of the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust, said public feedings were typically counterproductive. â€Å"There are ways to help within the boundaries of the rules: feeding indoors,† he said. If not, he added, â€Å"You sustain them on the street, and that's not a good thing. † The city other new ordinances inc lude restricting panhandling at intersections and allowing the police to confiscate and store property left in public spaces. Similar laws -? and opposition to them -? have cropped up across Florida.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Organization Kid

He feels that the students have been molded by their parents to act and dress in a certain manner. His article also concentrates on the idea that students go to college not to gain higher learning, but to get a good Job and make money. The students are being trained to be â€Å"The Organization Kid. † The Organization Kid is a generation of students who are extraordinarily bright, morally earnest and Incredibly industrious. During the Elementary School era, In the sass and sass schools assigned less and less homework, so that by 1981 the average six-to-eight-year-old was doing only fifty two minutes of homework a week.April 26, 1983, A Nation at Risk was reported. The problem, it said, was that schools had become too loose and free-flowing. Students faced a â€Å"cafeteria style curriculum† that gave them too many choices. Since then, the central focus of the school reform was on testing, accountability & medication which help reshape the minds of kids whose behavior de viates from the standard. So by 1997 the amount of homework assigned to the average child of the same age had doubled to more than two hours a week. For the period of Adolescence. It became ore organized, regulated and supervised with an emphasis on safety.Neo- romantics of the sass and sass believed that children should grow up freely and develop their own creative inclinations. Twenty nine years ago parents were advised to keep out of their kid's way. Let them grow into their own person. Now they're warned that If they aren't with their kids every single minute of their life, they'll grow up to be serial killers. For an example: people don't blame the actual shooters In the Columbine incident, two teen shooters killing 13 people at the Columbine High School, they blame their parents. Today parents do not hesitate to impose their authority.Parental authority nowadays rests on three pillars: science, safety and achievement. In the course of the Princeton Experience, the college admi nistrations tend to impose stricter regulations concerning students' behavior. As part of an effort they can go to amuse themselves without alcohol or drugs. Yet, students are increasingly supportive of universities regulation of private matters such as campus drinking. David Brooks describes the â€Å"typical Princeton student,† an impression he rives from interview sessions with students he notes are a few dozen, faculty- recommended, articulate leaders of tomorrow.Throughout his visit to Princeton, Brooks encountered clean-cut, cheerful scholars and citizens, respectful of their professors, too busy to involve themselves in national politics or social causes, too future-oriented for social life and too on-the-go to spark up intellectual conversations over a meal. To put it briefly, The Organization Kid alludes to an influential study by William H. White, called The Organization Man. The origins of â€Å"The Organization Kid† re to be found in their upbringing.Parent s relied on the achievements of medical and cognitive science to develop their children physically and intellectually. The Organization Kid is students of prestigious universities like Princeton. They appear to busy themselves with a variety of educational & extra-curriculum activities to the extent they do not have time to start a relationship or pay attention to national politics. Most of them are happy with their life, they accept high workload for the reasons of self-improvement, resume building and enrichment. They are described as optimistic, serious & conscientious.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Is College for Everyone Essay

Going to College is a choice that everyone has. I think that College is for everyone because everyone in this world has a right to a good education. I know that good education will improve my chances of having a good job and a higher wage. But on the other hand, College is not free and mostly it is expensive. We have to pay for every semester, for the books and for some student loans and some students do not want to carry big responsibilities like getting into dept or paying loans so instead of going to College they just seek help from a master craft man. A Master craft man gives you a job and share his knowledge to you straightly to the point and without consuming a lot of time. There is also a chance of being successful like a master craft man even if you don’t go to College especially if you have better learning at a trade. But even though College is not free and it cost a lot, but I think everyone should at least try going to college because everything that you spend for College will get back to you ‘cause College will afford us more opportunity to make money for the reason that most of the highest paying jobs require a college degree. And knowing you earn a degree will undoubtedly give a lifetime of pride to yourself and to the whole world. College will make you an expert at something which you can share with others. Many social service positions like Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher or Scientist require a College degree and being able to help others means you have to educate yourself first through higher education. If you have a College degree, you will be able to support your family with a larger salary. You will be able to help your children with their homework and can give them a better future as a result they will be more likely to attend College. Otherwise, if you think you already have skills and expertise and if you think it is not better to spend half of your life in school then College is not for you. You can just improve your skills and expertise by yourself or by the help of others and you can apply to a job that you are interested in and at the same time to a job that doesn’t require a College degree. Like me, I am good at working with people, I love helping them and socializing with them however, it doesn’t mean that my skills and expertise are enough. I also want to work at the field of medicine so I should go to a University because there, I can get a Doctorate degree and I believe that my skills and expertise are not enough to reach my goals in life. Going to College will more improve our ability, flexibility, skills and expertise and will expand our understanding of the world and what it has to offer. You have more chances and choices at getting a good job by going to college. You will have a better chance to stay employed longer if you have a degree. I believe that College education is extremely necessary in our modern society. Jobs now are becoming increasingly harder to get, and with the increase of the uneducated population, having a College education will allow you to get most any job you apply for. However, people can still earn money even if they won’t go to College through jobs that don’t require a College degree like Web Developer, Medical Secretary, Teacher’s Aide, Hair stylist or House painter. Also, if you join an apprentice program and you are offered full employment when you become a journeyman you will get a good pay or if you already have a secure job and you are contented in the salary, you can survive even if you don’t go to College. But if the reason of not going to College is you can’t afford it, there are solutions; you can get into College through scholarship and student loans, or if the reason is you already have a secure job, then you can go to College at night because they are open about 7 o’clock in the morning to ten o’clock in the evening and also if you lose your job, at lease you still have a choice because you go in College and you got a degree. In reality and in most cases the more education we have, the more careers and jobs we can choose from and the more money we can earn. College is a proven pathway to greater awareness socially and academically. College will expose you to things that you will not find anywhere else. You will meet new people and you get to do amazing and new activities. College will improve your socializing skills because every day you will be able to socialize with different people from different countries with different attitudes and point of views in life. College will help you to be aware in your life and in the surroundings. It will help you realize what kind of society we have in this generation. In our generation, we have a watchful and judgmental society and because of that, College will open up our eyes, it will make us conscious and will make us think what kind of life we want to have in the future with this society, in other words, College is encouraging us to have a good educational background . Yet, Colle e will give us a lot of problems like having many projects, sleeping late because of homework, and dealing with strict professors also, managing schedules but I strongly believe that those problems are helpful to us. Through the problems that we will encounter at College, surely it will make us firm, stronger and will let us stand in our own and at the next time that we will encounter problems, it would be easier for us and more likely we can handle it in a right way. W will also be able to help people to solve their problems with confidence and knowing that through our College experiences, we learned to stand up and don’t easily give up. College will greatly prepare you to create and take the jobs of the future. College prepares you for the career you’re interested at and also it prepares every student in their way of facing life. Your experiences in College education make you stronger and help you grow up maturely and your manner of working is very important because it reflects what kind of educational background you have. Higher Education will increase our knowledge which we can use it if we already got a job. College open doors of opportunity and expands our horizons. I truly believe that education is valuable because education is our passport to the good future and education is the key to success. Everything can be taken away from us but not our knowledge and skills acquire through experience and education and I strongly believe that by going to College we will reach our goals and we will be able to live in a comfortable life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pornography and Sexual Violence Essay

The class is social psychology. Please use proper headings, double spacing, 12 pt font, one-inch margins, page numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic. Citations may be from the Web, texts, books or scientific journals. Magazine and newspaper citations are generally unacceptable. Please be original with your own views. Being with a strong, creative, original thesis clearly stating what you are trying to show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pornography is a term utilized to depict the various sexual practices and desires to arouse the viewer sexually. It should also be clearly distinguished from the term ‘obscenity’.   Obscenity is frequently utilized legally to suggest pornographic material.   This material may be deemed as illegal if it crosses all the social barriers of decency and is liable for criminal punishment.   Sexual images of women can create a positive influence or a negative influence on man.   Women can be portrayed as objects of sex, pleasure, abuse and violence.   This has resulted in degradation of the status of women in the current world. Feminists throughout the world are objecting at the problems pornography has created for women.   During the early 1980’s, pornography became a huge feminist issue.   The political situation in the West was also changing during that period.   People began to feel the need for greater amount of freedom.   Several of the moral issues such as abortion, reproductive rights, sexuality, etc, began to be questioned.   Abortion began to be accepted giving the women greater amount of control over their body.   Today, women should be pure before the marriage and need to be loyal to their husbands during their married life. Marriage is a relationship in which sex is performed only for reproductive purposes and not for pleasure.   If a woman indulged in sex outside their marriage, it was considered to be a form of prostitution.   Frequently, women are forced into getting them photographed for creating pornographic material.   The pornographic industry throughout the world has turned out into a multibillion-dollar industry (about $ %6 billion), providing material in various forms including movies, internet, books, videos, etc (Malamuth et al, 2005, Utah State University, 2007 & Webb, 2007). Recently, there has been an increase in the number of cases of child abuse throughout the world.   The exact cause for this has not been understood clearly.   A study conducted by Knudsen does not show a direct relationship between sexual violence against children and pornography.   A thorough assessment was created using laboratory findings and case studies of those who had suffered from child sexual abuse.   It was found that child sexual abuse was only affected to a slight and indirect extent by pornography (Knudsen, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Frequently, people associate pornography with erotica.   However, there is a lot of difference between these two aspects.   Erotica is a situation of an intimate relationship between humans such that closeness, communication, intimacy and sexual arousal are felt.   Erotica utilize various symbols for communication and the feeling of interaction.   It could be considered to be one system of language or dialect.   Hence, erotica is usually shared between people belonging to close group, culture, religion, sect, ethnic community, etc. People belonging to other communities, sects, group, etc, would be unable to share and communicate with their partner.   Hence, the erotic appeal may not be present in such circumstances.   Erotica cannot mix with brutality.   To some extent erotica can vary from one taste to another.   Many people use the term erotica in order to demonstrate and applaud pornography.   However, both these terms need to be completely differentiated from one another.   Pornography is the misuse of women and children in the name of erotica. This misuse can be considered in two ways.   Firstly, a woman may be abused and forced into pornography through the erotica.   Besides, many of the female pornography material depict man dominating and abusing women and treating them as mere objects.   I do feel that pornography directly and indirectly creates a situation in which the woman is victimized.   This may further the chances of women getting sexually offended (Utah State University, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many of the material available today on the internet and the print media has been generated by threatening women into certain acts that have not been expected.   For example, Linda Marchiano was threatened with a gun to perform several sexual acts in the film Deep Throat.   Today graphic material is available on the Internet of women being tortured, raped and victimized for the sake of sexual arousal.   I do feel that this may not create a sense of erotica but instead encourage violence and crime against women (Utah State University, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pornography has changed the entire concept of masculinity and femininity.   Earlier, these two genders were considered as complimentary to one another.   A woman was basically made to supplement the needs of man.   However, pornography has spoilt this relationship between man and woman.   Indirectly man is victimizing women in the name of pornography.   Men dominate women and children using pornographic material.   Man would try to conquer other sexually, and women would have to submit to the sexual needs of man.   In a husband-wife relationship, the wife would become the weaker party and the husband would become the stronger one. Once this domination is created, every chance exists for the man to abuse and ill-treat the woman.   Today pornography has been closely associated with male supremacy.   As pornography is becoming more and more common in today’s world, it is having a negative influence on the people.   Pornography touches upon male dominance, sexual inequality and sexual subordination.   Hence, people consider and use violence, force and domination as a part of sex.   This helps to spread terrorism and hatred amongst the population.   Today, people are unable to identify the thin line present between pornography and erotica (Utah State University, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pornography may influence the individual to various extents depending on the individual factors, the type of pornographic material, the extent to which the material causes sexual arousal, etc.   Studies have demonstrated that when children and adolescents are exposed to pornographic material, there are chances that these children on becoming adults would have perverted sexual tendencies. They may also perform violent acts in order to gain sexual gratification.   However, some studies have demonstrated that expose of the child or adolescent to a minimal amount of pornographic material during early age would help them to benefit later, as they would be aware of the sexual processes that occur in adults.   However, this area needs to be thoroughly researched further to determine the type of pornographic material and the extent to which they would benefit (Malamuth et al, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The World needs to change its attitude toward pornography.   To some extent individuals possessing certain characteristics may be exposed to a greater extent than others to pornographic material.   A study conducted by Malamuth et al (2005) demonstrated that men, who were exposed to material containing sexuality and violence against women, accepted these attacks secretly.   The acceptance was much greater in men who were exposed to pornographic material than those who were not.   Men who were exposed to media presentations of material, which glorified sexual attacks on women, developed aggressive attitudes towards women (Malamuth et al, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus it can be seen that pornographic material is harmful to the development of cordial relationships throughout the world between man and woman.   The effect of pornographic material varies depending on the culture, region of the world, sect, religion, etc.   Scientists should try to develop a method of determining the direct relationship that exists between pornography and sexual violence against women. The Internet may be a very useful resource for teenagers and students.   However, this resource could also be misused, as activity may be difficult to monitor.   It is high time for the law-enforcement agencies and parents to help control the activity of teenagers and students over the Internet.   The manner in which the child or teenagers utilizes the Internet plays a major role in the development of the personality and behavior later in life (Paul et al, 2005 & Bremer, 2005). References: Bremer, J. (2005). â€Å"The Internet and children: advantages and disadvantages.† Psychiatr Clin N Am, 14(3), 405-428. Knudsen, D. D. (2005). â€Å"Child sexual abuse and pornography: Is there a relationship?† Journal of Family Violence, 3(4), 253-267. Malamuth, N., & Huppin, M. (2005). â€Å"Pornography and Teenagers: The Importance of Individual Differences.† Adol Med Clin, 16(2). Paul, B. & Bryant, J. A. (2005). â€Å"Adolescents and the Internet.† Adol Med Clin, 16(2). Utah State University (2007). â€Å"Lesson 10. Pornography, Violence, and the Law.† Retrieved on December 7, 2007, from Utah State University Web site: Villani, V. S. (2005). â€Å"Media literacy for clinicians and parents.† Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am, 14(3), 523-553. Webb, E. (2007). â€Å"Pornography or Censorship-Silence or Choice?† Retrieved on December 7, 2007, from DSP Web site:

Ancient Indian Mathematics

There are opposing views prevalent regarding the prominence of mathematics in ancient India. One, there are those who make excessive claims for the antiquity of Indian mathematics with the motive of emphasizing the uniqueness of Indian mathematical achievements. Whereas, the other conflicting views denies the existence of any ‘real’ Indian mathematics before A. D. 500. This view is the result of deeply entrenched Euro centrism that does not negotiate with the idea of independent developments in early Indian mathematics. Whereas mathematics grew out of philosophy in ancient Greece, it was an outcome of linguistic developments in India. In fact the algebraic character of ancient Indian mathematics is but a byproduct of the well-established linguistic tradition of representing numbers by words. ? Around 800 B. C. Vedic mathematics declined and Jains School of mathematics gradually which was to do notable work in the field. ? From about 200 B. C. was period of instability and fragmentation due to foreign invasions but also of useful cross cultural contacts. Probably the only piece of existing mathematical evidence from this period is the Bakhshali manuscript. ? This period ranges from 3rd to 12th centuries and is referred to as the classical period of Indian civilization. Mathematical activities reached a climax with the appearance of the famous quartet: Brahmagupta, Mahvika and Bhaskracharya. Indian work on astronomy and mathematics spread westward, reaching the Islamic world where it was absorbed, refined and augmented before being transmitted to Europe. This last period described as the medieval period of Indian history, saw the migration of astronomy and mathematics from the north to south. Particularly in present day state of Kerala, this was a period marked by remarkable studies of infinite series and mathematical analysis that predated similar works in Europe by about three hundred years. Harappan society was a highly organized society. There is every possibility that the town dwellers were skilled in mensuration and practical ar ithmetic of a bid similar to what was practiced in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeological findings from that period provide the following indications of the numerate culture of that society: ? It shows uniformity of weights over such a wide area and time which is quite unusual in the history of metrology. Taking 27. 584 grams as a standard, representing 1, the other weights form a series of 0. 05, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Such standardization and durability is a strong indication of a numerate culture with wellestablished, centralized system of weights and measures. Scales and instruments for measuring length have also been discovered with remarkably high accuracy. A notable feature of Harappan culture was its extensive use of kiln-fired bricks and the advanced level of its brick-making technology. These bricks are exceptionally well baked and of excellent quality and may still be used over and over again provided some care is taken in removing them in the first place. Fifteen different sizes of Harappan bricks have been identif ied with standard ratio of the three dimensions as 4:2:1. It was thought until recently that from them evolved first the Bakhshali Number system and then the Gwalior system which is recognizably close to our present day number system. In both Bakshati and Gwalior number systems, ten symbols were used to represent 1 to 9 and zero. With them it became possible to express any number, irrespective of its largeness, by a decimal place value system. Long lists of number- names for powers of 10 are found in various early sources. In the Ramayana, it is reported that Rama had an army of 1010 +1014 +1020 +1024 +1030 +1034 +1040 +1044 +1052 +1057 +1062 +5 men. The very existence of names for powers of ten up to sixty two indicates that the Vedic Indians were quite at home with very large numbers. This is to be compared with ancient Greeks, who had no words for numbers above the myriad (104). The Jains who came after the Vedic Indians were particularly fascinated by even larger numbers which were intimately tied up with their philosophy of time and space. For units of measuring time, the Jains suggested following relationship: 1 purvis = 756 * 1011 days 1 shirsa prahelika = (8,400,000)28 purvis The last number contains 194 digits! The word numeral system was the logical outcome of proceeding by the multiples of 10. Such a system presupposes a scientifically based vocabulary of number names in which the principles of addition, subtraction and multiplication are used. Â  Due to oral mode of preserving and disseminating knowledge, the wordnumeral system persisted in India. As a replacement to this, a new concrete system was devised to help versification and memory, known as bhutasamkhya, wherein numbers were indicated by well-known objects or ideas.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Intellectual Property Law in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Intellectual Property Law in England - Essay Example However, it is essential to note that the legal relationships between different objects, individuals, and the state are not easily justifiable. According to Ayn Rand (1966), he states, "patents are the heart and core of property rights, and once they are destroyed, the destruction of all other property rights will follow automatically, as a brief postscript.†1 Over the years, intellectual property has continuously changed to a widespread and significant form of ownership title. There is also the introduction of ‘Post Industrial Society’ identified in Naisbitts text Megatrends.2 This scenario has caused a strain on customs and laws that have been enacted to protect intellectual property since many industries are indulging into manufacturing and manipulation of the existing goods to enable use of information, which in turn liberates the production. The presence of immensely enhanced information-handling technologies combined with the huge role information is providin g in our society there is a lot of theft or piracy of information. This leads us to the issue of Patent, Copyright, and trade secrets, which have led to numerous suits in academic, and several industries. The public has, therefore shown a lot of concern over the validity of intellectual property institutions. ... Intellectual Property Law in England Intellectual Property Rights can be defined as the rights given to a person over what is usually a unique creation of their own minds. The creator is given exclusive rights to use this creation for a given period. This law encapsulates a whole range of intangible assets, which include music, Assets, artistic work, discoveries, and even factory trade secrets. The law is there to avoid infringement of these rights by other parties for personal benefit while at the same time maintaining the competitiveness of the market. Introduction of these laws has brought about many disputes in the business world. Some of the cases that are leading in the English law that deal with copyright law include Exxon Corp. v. Exxon Insurance Consultants International Ltd..4 In this case, the court ruled that a name invented or otherwise, does not incorporate a copyright and an infringement to a trademark can only occur when the infringing party actively takes part in the market segment. Another important case is Kenrick v. Lawrence 5 In this case; the courts laid out the extent for which a work is granted copyright protection and it also indicated the point where expression converts to an idea in which case the latter is not protected, but the expression is protected. There are several other laws such as Aerotel v Telco and Macrossan's Application6 and that the English uses for reference in deciding cases that are related to intellectual property. The British Statute of Anne7 was the first statute established to regulate copyright through the courts and the government instead of being governed by private parties.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pros and Cons of a Person With a Mental Illness as a US President Essay

Pros and Cons of a Person With a Mental Illness as a US President - Essay Example Some mental disorders have symptoms which may negatively affect not only the patient him or herself but also the other people around which is classified as a violation of one’s freedom and certain right in every individual case. Delusions of the President would negatively affect his decisions making: the decision made in a condition of delusion would be characterized by nonsense, for example, to close all the universities or increase the taxes by 1000 times. Obviously, these ideas are not realistic, but the person with a mental illness would not react to such statements and would go on reckoning that only he or she is right. Hallucinations are also negative things for the person acting as a US President: for example, some decision may be taken properly, but it may turn out to be that the patient with a mental disorder has taken advice from a phantom, not from a real person, and revealing this fact would create concern among the public. Disorganized behavior is also a symptom which makes a person unpredictable: for example, today the President feels excited and makes good presents and treats the people around good, but tomorrow he or she may become very aggressive and apply the behavior model which is not proper for a country leader. Taking the above said into consideration, it is possible to state that there are more cons than pros in the possibility of a mentally ill person becoming the US President, and they all concern the way the other people may be affected by a person subjected to a certain mental illness.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Substance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Substance - Term Paper Example Before discussing Descartes’ Proofs for God’s existence, it is necessary to discuss first his theory of ideas and causes. Ideas have three main features. First, where they come from, what kind of reality they have, and what they refer to. Under the first feature, Descartes enumerates three kinds of ideas, namely, innate, factitious and adventitious. Descartes defines innate ideas as those with which we are born with and which are self-evident to reason. An example here is mathematical ideas. Factitious ideas on the other hand are inventions of our imagination. An example here is mermaids, unicorns, and the like. And adventitious ideas are those which are based on sense perceptions. They come to us externally, which nature seem to suggest to us, and come despite our will. Under the second feature, Descartes defines these having an actual or formal reality. Herein, for as long as our mind can conceive of it clearly and distinctly, they exist â€Å"actually† in my m ind. And under the third feature, Descartes claims that they possess â€Å"objective reality† i.e. they refer to objects which exist externally to us. Furthermore, Descartes claims that only innate and adventitious ideas possess objective reality, and that in order for something to exist, they must possess both actual and formal reality, as well as objective reality. Moreover, Descartes defines an idea as an effect of causes. ... Given as such, let us take a look at Descartes’ proofs for the existence of God. First Argument The first argument he proposes is based on this theory of ideas and causes, as well as his doctrine of innate ideas. The argument goes as follows: 1. By definition, ideas are the effects of causes 2. There must be as much reality in the cause to that of its effect 3. Something cannot come from nothing 4. Something more perfect cannot come from something less perfect 5. X has a clear and distinct idea of God as a perfect being 6. Since ideas are effects of causes, then something must have caused X having such an idea 7. Since there must be as much reality in the cause to that of its effect, and since something less perfect cannot come from some thing more perfect, then God exists as the only possible cause for X’s idea of God as a perfect being, because 8. God exists as the only possible cause for X’s idea of God as a perfect being for, something cannot come from nothin g. Furthermore, Descartes backs up his argument using his doctrine of innate ideas, which claims that God imprinted this idea, of a perfect being, in us from the moment we were born. So God must be the cause of X’s idea of God. And X’s idea of God originates from God alone. For, â€Å"having proven that God exists, God would not deceive us in what is self evident to reason He has given us† (Lavine 105). 9. Therefore, God exists Objection to the First Argument Based on Descartes first argument for the existence of God, it seems that it does not suffice to prove that God exists. For, it is possible that another person, other than God, is the cause of X’s having an

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Company is on Marriott International and how they market to consumers Term Paper

Company is on Marriott International and how they market to consumers on the internet - Term Paper Example Marriott International website has been professionally designed. The web site has been decorated beautiful pictures of tourists enjoying themselves at the hotel. Customers can immediately identify the destination that suit their tastes and preferences by looking at the pictures displayed. The website links and menus have been well organized into Marriot hotel brands, careers, travel agents, group partners, shopMarriot, affiliates and mobile and many more colorful and attractive links. In addition, the writings on the website are visible, they have been written using visible fonts and designs that are attractive to customers (Marriot, 2012). Customers can access the website through the facebook sign up and login link. Marriott International is also available through twitter. Customers can email or ask a question to the Marriott International customer service through the website. Further, the website gives opportunity to customers to book accommodation online. Customers can by book accommodation through PayPal, MasterCard and visa by placing their orders online; they can also view the status of their order by entering their email and a confirmation number (Marriot, 2012). Marriot international has recently unveiled internet distribution and growth strategies aimed at reaching several tourists as possible. The company has put in place measures to ensure that customers get the best room price when they use their website for reservations. Internet marketing is instrumental to the company because it ensures that 8 percent of the total room nights are sold (Maandag, 2008). The site creates a positive customer experience since they can get attractive discounts. Tourists are able to get 40% off fall travel when they book early. Tourists can also locate hotels in various cities around the world; this is possible through the â€Å"find hotel† interface in the website. Further, the company has introduced

Monday, September 9, 2019

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Essay Example It is quite unfortunate that over the past three decades the research has not shown much progress, it has focused only on the pathogenic roles of cigarette smoke, inflammation, protease and antiprotease balance. Research has also established an association of COPD with cigarette smoking; and patients with emphysema are known to suffer from a gene deficiency in an inhibitor of a neutrophils protease (Stang et al, 2000). The theory of cigarette-inflammation-protease has done a lot in the field of COPD epidemiology and pathology but is not able to reduce the pervasiveness and morbidity caused by COPD. It is therefore imperative to impose an urgent necessity for research in this area. The research is directed to sustain novel concepts and innovative experimental approaches and techniques pertinently suitable to COPD research. The research is also directed to explicate the cellular pathways involved in COPD pathogenesis. This is a step helpful in clinical trials of potential therapeutics. Explanation of these pathways is the step to develop a capability of pharmaceutical industry to design the mechanism specific drugs. ( The anonymity of COPD pathogenesis: COPD encompasses emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis, both these conditions relentlessly limits airflow that is not significantly reversed by bronchodilators. COPD progressively turn down the pulmonary functions with a rapid pace as compared to that in normal aging. Stimulating factors known to induce changes in animal lungs are cigarette smoke, pancreatic elastase, bacterial lipopolysaccharides, cadmium, chloramine-T, oxidants, silica, and rigorous malnourishment (Shapiro, 2000). It is established that many apparently dissimilar pathways are capable of causing emphysema or bronchitis,